Global Real Estate Investments: iRA Blocks' Asset Tokenization

Benefits of Real Estate Assets Tokenization


Fractional ownership lets investors diversify their real estate portfolio affordably, spreading risk across properties in various locations.


Fractional ownership democratizes real estate investing, allowing people with various budgets to own premium properties.


Fractional ownership provides more liquidity, letting investors easily buy or sell tokens on the platform or crypto exchanges.


Blockchain ensures secure and transparent real estate transactions by providing a tamper-proof ledger for ownership data.

Types of Fractional Property Investment

Aspect Traditional Real Estate Tokenized Real Estate
Ownership Structure Full ownership of entire properties or units. Divides properties into digital tokens, allowing for share-based ownership.
Accessibility Requires significant capital, limiting smaller investors. Allows fractional ownership, making it accessible to smaller investors.
Liquidity Generally illiquid; sales can be time-consuming. Improved liquidity; tokens can be traded more easily on blockchain platforms.
Fractional Ownership Less common; typically involves full property ownership. A key feature; investors can own a percentage of high-value properties.
Administrative Burden Involves direct management of property-related tasks. Platforms handle most administrative tasks, easing investor responsibilities.
Market Accessibility Requires local knowledge and research for property identification. Provides transparent, efficient market access with real-time data and analytics.
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